The Jewish year 5769 saw the swearing in of United States President Barack Obama, who rapidly turned out to be the most hostile U.S. president ever towards Israel, according to Prof. Eitan Gilboa, an expert on the U.S. at Bar Ilan University. The United States under Obama decided to go on the offensive against Israel, Gilboa told Arutz Sheva's Hebrew service Sunday. “Israeli-American relations underwent a great upheaval in the Obama era,” he explained. “The new administration decided to conduct an open conflict with the purpose of improving the United States' image in the eyes of the Arab countries and at the expense of the state of Israel." Obama 'proved his ignorance' Obama “humiliated Israel,” Gilboa said. “Before [Prime Minister Binyamin] Netanyahu delivered his historic speech at Bar Ilan University he called Obama in the White House in order to share with him in advance the content of his speech. Barack Obama spoke with him on the phone with his feet propped up on the desk, and the White House sent these photographs to the news media so that the message would be clear: Obama is belittling Netanyahu.” Obama “does not begin to understand the Middle East,” Gilboa opined. “This president failed in all aspects of his foreign policy. He does not understand anything at all about our region and his inability to understand that Israel can be a strategic partner only further proves his ignorance. Only now is Obama starting to learn that his strategy was misguided.” From 'messiah' to mortal "He wanted to be liked by the Arab world but he sees the reactions in the Arab world and he understands that there may have to be a new strategy. He is also getting a lot of criticism from congressmen who sent him a document in which they attack him and say that his policy towards Israel is unacceptable. Obama had a lot of credit at the start of his presidency but now he is in the same place where most presidents were in the past. Obama has crashed from the status of a messiah to that of an ordinary mortal.” Prof. Gilboa added that he finds it hard to understand Netanyahu's “complete surrender” to American demands. “Netanyahu could have resisted the pressures more stridently,” he said. “The only explanation I have [for his behavior] is that perhaps he was promised things that justify his decision to freeze the construction [in Judea and Samaria]. But there is a real failure in the entire strategy here: the Americans said that they wanted to see confidence-building measures by the Palestinians, too, but in the meantime only Israel has made concessions and the other side gave nothing.” Obama 'promised Jewish homes to Arabs' Obama gave PA officials guarantees that they will eventually take over Jewish homes and buildings throughout most of Judea and Samaria, a top Palestinian Authority official told WND . "We heard from the U.S. that no matter what Israel is building in [Judea and Samaria], it will not affect a final status agreement to create a Palestinian state," said the PA official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "The Americans told us Netanyahu might construct in [Judea and Samaria] for now but we (Palestinians) can enjoy these houses later. The evacuated homes will not be destroyed like some were when Israel pulled out of Gaza," the official said.