An 800-square foot rooftop sukkah overlooks the financial district during the Sukkot holidays that began Friday night, probably the first time there has been a sukkah on Wall Street, according to Chabad Rabbi Mendy Wolf. As part of a “holidays in the city” program, Chabad hosted Rosh HaShanah New Year prayer services in the Thompson Hotel, opposite 15 Broad Street, the home of the New York Stock Exchange. Rabbi Wolf said “Sukkot in the city” is the next step for Jews who are among those who have moved into residences that used to house offices in the heart of the financial district. He added that the recent financial crisis “has made people think…and begin to realize there are other things in life.” He said that the Jews on Wall Street ”really want a Jewish community, especially for their children.” Fifteen families recently attended a recent Sabbath event in one building, and approximately 30 people participated in the Rosh HaShanah prayers and holiday meals at the Thompson Hotel. The huge sukkah built on the rooftop of another building is expected to attract many area residents, and the Chabad rabbi planned a “sukkah cocktail party” to celebrate the holiday and the event of a sukkah on Wall Street. Rabbi Wolf also is hoping that a Hebrew school will be established for the children.