3,000 people participated in the Beit HaShoeva celebration at the threatened community of Haresha north of Jerusalem Thursday. The event was part of the struggle to raise awareness to that community's plight. The High Court has ruled that the permanent houses in the community must be destroyed. Haresha was established 12 years ago. Plans were prepared for permanent housing and the Ministry of Construction and Housing invested money in infrastructure. However, the Defense Minister has been unwilling to sign the plans for its development. This was the grounds for a motion by Peace Now to have the buildings at Haresha demolished. The High Court ruled in favor of that motion. MK Ben-Ari at center of celebrations / Israel news photo The participants brought along their children, who enjoyed inflatable slides and other attractions, and who toured the community. The central event began at 3 p.m. and included performances by Musa Berlin and the singer Yirmiyahu. MKs Uri Ariel and Michael Ben-Ari attended. The original Beit HaShoeva celebration, which dates back to the times of the Jewish Temple, involved the drawing of water from the Shiloach spring, and the pouring of that water at the altar of the Temple, together with wine.