Yehudah Glick, Head of the Organization for Human Rights on the Temple Mount, filed a motion to the Supreme Court against the Israel Police Thursday, accusing them of contempt of court. He claimed that the police are “seeking revenge” against him because of his public and legal activity aimed at exposing their illegal conduct.

Glick noted that after he filed a motion several months ago against the prevention of his ascent to the Temple Mount, the High Court determined, with police consent, that the police would formulate a document which Glick would sign. That document would commit him to behave according to the rules of behavior on the Temple Mount, while the police would agree in return to allow him into the holy site.

Two weeks passed
Glick said that he signed the document two weeks ago yet the police continue to block his way onto the Temple Mount. He added that he has no doubt that the police are behaving vindictively in this matter.

The Organization for Human Rights on the Temple Mount petitioned the High Court earlier this year in a bid to stop the Israel Police's discrimination against religious Jews at the entrance to the Mount. Police denied the charges but the organization prepared a report showing that the police lied to the court, Glick said. This, and the recent conference in favor of Jewish ascent to the Temple Mount, which he helped organize, caused the police to seek revenge against him, he maintained.