Israel will not go to war again, according to the Hamas terrorist organization, which claims the recent United Nations Goldstone Report has legally bound the IDF.
The report by retired South African Judge Richard Goldstone claimed that Israel was guilty of war crimes, and possibly even crimes against humanity during last winter's Operation Cast Lead in Gaza. Goldstone led a fact-finding mission to Gaza following the war that Israel maintained was biased from the outset.
Hamas "Interior Minister" Fathi Hamad told reporters at a news conference on Saturday that the report, which was endorsed recently by the United Nations General Assembly, will prevent Israel from launching any more military operations in Gaza.
Hamad also told reporters that Hamas has worked out an agreement with other armed groups not to fire any more rockets at Israel.
Rocket fire will only be launched in retaliation for IDF incursions into Gaza, he said. "We are not preventing the resistance by any means," Hamad added. "However, we are making sure that every move is coordinated through agreement between the groups, especially after the last war."
The announcement came following a Kassam rocket attack on the western Negev, fired from northern Gaza. The missile struck the Sha'ar HaNegev region. No one was injured and no damage was reported from the explosion.
Hamad told reporters the decision had been made in order to prevent IDF retaliation for the attacks. Israel has a policy of responding to every single rocket attack with an IDF air strike, usually by destroying weapons factories and one or more Gaza smuggling tunnels. Sometimes terrorists are caught in the tunnels when IAF pilots destroy them.
The agreement was also intended to "enable people to rebuild" after the counterterrorist Operation Cast Lead that destroyed much of the region's infrastructure last winter, Hamad said.
The operation was launched after eight years of constant attacks that had traumatized, maimed and killed thousands civilians in southern Israel.