Defense Minister Ehud Barak has ordered the call-up of reserve units responsible for emergency control of PA-controlled cities – and wants to activate them against the Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria. The information was given to Arutz-7 by Danny Dayan, Chairman of the Yesha Council of Jewish Communities in Judea and Samaria. “Netanyahu and Barak have crossed all red lines,” Dayan said, “and have now declared outright war on the Jewish settlement enterprise of Judea and Samaria.” Tuesday morning, clashes broke out in several towns between Jewish residents in Yesha and inspectors sent to deliver the construction-freeze orders. The Yesha Council called on residents not to use violence but to block the inspectors’ entry into the communities to “enforce these immoral and anti-Zionist orders.” PA Threatens to Encircle Jewish Towns At the same time, while the Netanyahu government is drying up the towns, PA Arabs are planning to encircle them. A Fatah Central Committee member is quoted in the Al-Arab newspaper (Nov. 20) as saying, “Fatah has made a decision to ignite the third intifada in the West Bank in response to Israeli intransigence… This intifada will be worse than the previous ones, though it will retain its popular character without live weapons.” The new intifada is planned to center around “encircling the settlements with thousands of Palestinians,” and that PA Chairman Abbas has given his okay. Correspondent Haggai Huberman reports that top Fatah and PA officials have increased their threats to fight Israel with violence. Nabil Shaath, for instance, who led the PA negotiating team under Yasser Arafat, told a Tunisian newspaper two weeks ago, “We have tried talks for 18 years, but Israel continues its aggression, destruction and settlements. It’s our right to return to the way of armed struggle in order to restore our rights.” Minister Barak arrived in the large army base outside Beit El on Tuesday to visit the units assigned to enforce the construction freeze. “The freeze in the settlements will be fully enforced,” Barak said, “and in a way that will guarantee as much dialogue as possible with the settlers… The Israel Defense Forces, and especially the Civil Administration, Israel Police and Border Guard, are readying themselves to ensure that the decision is enforced.”