NASA and the Israel Space Agency have signed a joint statement of cooperation. The agreement recognizes the Israel Network for Lunar Science and Exploration (INLSE) as an affiliate partner with the NASA Lunar Science Institute, and was signed at the agency’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. Arutz Sheva TV spoke with Greg Schmidt, the deputy director of NASA's Lunar Science Institute, who was very excited about the partnership. "I can't even begin to tell you the number of technologies that Israel can contribute to the future man-space exploration," he said. "NASA looks forward to working with this distinguished Israeli organization," said agency Administrator Charles Bolden, "[to benefit] from our shared expertise and advance our understanding of lunar science. We want to develop more of these partnerships to inspire students throughout the world to study science, technology, engineering and math." The INLSE brings its technical and engineering expertise for the sake of advancing the broad goals of lunar science at the institute. The initial focus will be on laser communications, robotics, remote sensing and other technologies for future lunar missions. In addition, there will be a major emphasis on education and public outreach inspired by lunar science. "I am very excited that the INLSE has become an affiliate member of the NASA Lunar Science Institute," said Ames Director Pete Worden. "The considerable capabilities of the INLSE in science and related technology development will greatly extend our institute's reach." "The Israel Space Agency is honored to be a part of the NASA Lunar Science Institute, with the hope of becoming an energetic and vital member," said Israel Space Agency Director General Tzvi Kaplan. "We are grateful to NASA for this outstanding opportunity to take part in this most important partnership and for enabling the Israel Space Agency to contribute and share in this challenging human experience."