As the Somali Islamic terror organization al-Shabaab threatens to attack Kenya's capital city of Nairobi, a delegation of parliamentarians, security officials, and diplomats from that African country arrived in Israel this week to learn about standing up to radical Islamic terror, as reported by Sderot Media Center . Al-Shabaab's website this week featured a video of terrorists chanting in Swahili, "We will reach Nairobi. When we arrive, we will hit until we kill." Recent violent demonstrations in Kenya followed a governmental decision to deport Jamaican Muslim cleric Abdullah al-Faisal, who has spent time in jail in Britain for urging Muslims to engage in holy war, or jihad, against Westerners, Hindus, and Jews. Six people were killed in riots, including a police officer. Radical Islam has swept Kenya's northeastern neighbor, Somalia, where the imposition of harsh Islamic Sharia law has been urged and where the international Al-Qaeda terrorist group has set up shop. In Sderot The Kenyan delegation toured the southern city of Sderot on Tuesday to gain an in-depth look at the Jewish State's anti-terror security measures. Sderot Regional Security Chief Kobi Harush briefed the group about measures taken by the Israeli government to protect Sderot and regional towns from rocket attacks, including the provision of bomb shelters and early warning systems. Harush said it is important to provide shelter everywhere, because rockets can fall anywhere, at any time. He also said civilian cooperation and compliance is crucial to enforcing security. Sderot Media Center's Yaakov Shrybman also addressed the group. He warned them that rocket terrorism might be employed by Somali radicals to terrorize Kenyan cities. "As we know, terrorism is not a localized virus," said Shrybman. "The rocket threat faced by us here on the Gaza border in Sderot is one that may potentially be faced by innocent civilians around the world." Members of the delegation said they had "a lot to learn" from their trip.