Two Jewish students at Toronto's York University were assaulted on Monday during pro-Israel activity. Eyewitness Tyler Golden, Co-President of Hasbara Fellowships at York University, told the Shalom Life website: “Hasbara was tabling for Gilad Shalit. We run a campaign called Free Palestinians from Hamas. It was a very peaceful day and we had permission from the university to table. At around 4 o’clock, several known anti-Israel faces on campus came to start questioning us and debate with us.” According to Golden, the argument between the Hasbara people and the anti-Israel individuals quickly escalated into a situation in which an angry mob of about 50 students surrounded his group and chanted anti-Israel and anti-Semitic slurs. “Security has asked us, when we come across this type of situation, to call them, which we did. We also videotape so they can see the faces and hear the voices of the people that do it. A few students who were surrounding us were upset that there were cameras in their faces, so they started yelling and screaming. As they were trying to push the cameras out of the way, they actually hit two of our students.” Two York security officers arrived on the scene. “They took down stories and students were allowed time to file complaints. I heard from the president’s office this morning that an investigation is under way,” Golden said. Following the incident, the Jewish Defense League of Canada offered a $500 reward to anyone who would provide information regarding the assailants. “Unfortunately there’s a lack of strong Jewish leadership on campuses, not just at York but at many campuses and that has to change,” said Meir Weinstein, Director of JDL. Marlee Mozeson, Co-President of Hasbara Fellowships at York University, said: "The University's steps to ensure a safe campus for all have been proven unsuccessful and ineffective. We call on the University to take immediate action to restore order and safety for all students on campus." Calls by Shalom Life to York University’s Media Relations office for a comment were not returned.