Some 100 Arabs threw rocks and rolled burning tires near the Jewish Community in Hevron on Monday. One soldier was was wounded lightly on the hand.
The IDF declared the incident an “illegal and violent disturbance,” and soldiers used tear gas to disperse the attackers.
The Arabs were protesting the Israeli Government declaration on Sunday that the Jewish State recognizes the Jewish sites of the Machpelah Cave in Hevron and Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem as national heritage sites.
Palestinian Authority sources said that the decision was a violation of the accords, is dangerous, and “will add to the religious complexities of the conflict in that it could lead to dangerous results.”
The Judea Residents Council responded: “It’s no surprise that the Arabs are not happy with the decision about the Machpelah Cave; as far as they’re concerned, we have no right to be in Tel Aviv either. We congratulate the government on its decision, and call upon it not to cave in to Arab terrorism and violence.”
The original list of national heritage sites did not include either the Machpelah Cave of the Patriarchs or Rachel’s Tomb; these were added only after much pressure from the nationalist end of the spectrum.
This past Friday, the traditional weekly Arab riots in Bil’in - held every Friday for five years against the placement of the anti-terror fence - were buttressed by two additional riot flashpoints: Near N’vei Tzuf in western Binyamin and at the Arab village of Umm Salmona, near Bethlehem, where rioters threw stones at Jewish civilians and soldiers. Arabs have rioted before near N’vei Tzuf, lightly injuring two Border Guard policemen with rocks a month ago.