MDA paramedics
MDA paramedicsIsrael news photo: Flash 90

Paramedics working with Magen David Adom (MDA) managed to save the lives of both a baby and a toddler late last week. The incident took place within a three-hour span on Thursday afternoon.

The first rescue took place in Telmon, where paramedic Pini Greenburg and his crew were called to a clinic and found a daycare worker holding an unconscious two-year-old boy. The child had choked on a piece of bread and had stopped breathing; his pulse was very slow.

The crew began resuscitation attempts immediately. Medics struggled for half an hour to save the child's life. “In a situation like that, as a father to young children, I'm always surprised by the emotional response... I felt like the child's life was slipping away, I fought for his life and said a prayer in my heart. I knew we had to do everything we could, everything,” Greenberg recalled.

A second crew took the toddler to Shaarei Tzedek hospital in Jerusalem. On the way, the child began to breath without assistance. As he was rushed into the emergency room, he regained consciousness fully and began to cry.

Just hours later, paramedics were called to a Jerusalem neighborhood where a two-month-old baby had choked while eating. A team led by Yair Schussheim arrived and found the baby was not breathing and had no pulse.

Medics began resuscitating the baby and managed to restore the child's heartbeat. The baby was taken to Hadassah Har Hatzofim hospital. Two hours later, doctors informed the MDA crew that the baby had begun to breath independently, and that the medics' quick response had saved his life.

Following the incidents, MDA repeated an announcement advising parents to take one of the organization's courses in CPR. The course is four hours long and includes the proper response to a situation in which a child has choked, allowing parents to take action immediately in case of emergency.