The IDF has arrested a terror cell near metropolitan Tel Aviv that shot at a Jewish motorist in Samaria Wednesday night. The army also arrested rock-throwing children in the same area, but soldiers still are looking for a rock-thrower near Hevron who wounded one person Thursday evening. The army has intensified its efforts to protect Jewish motorists on the heavily-traveled road between central Samaria and Kfar Saba, north of Tel Aviv, following months of almost daily rock-throwing attacks. Security officers in the areas told Israel National News that the army is more effective now than it has been in the past. After the terrorism escalated into Wednesday night’s shooting attack, the IDF hunted down the source and arrested the cell Thursday morning in an Arab village near the city of Kalkilya, where the Palestinian Authority is responsible for security. A driver and passenger in the car were not injured by the gunshots. The IDF search also uncovered a group of youth who hurled rocks at Israeli cars Thursday morning, causing damage but no injuries. A motorist between Hevron-Kiryat Arba and the Gush Etzion-Efrat area was less fortunate Thursday evening and suffered light injuries when he drove on Highway 60, the major artery connecting Jerusalem with Hevron and communities north of Be’er Sheva. The incident occurred at the village of Beit Omar, where rock, stones and foreign objects are thrown at Jewish motorists almost daily. The attackers often cause serious damage, and sometimes death, by trying to break a windshield, resulting in the driver’s losing control and ending up in a crash.