The United States, Britain and France led a walkout on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the U.N. nuclear non-proliferation conference Monday as he accused countries with nuclear weapons of threatening those without them. "How can the United States be a member of the board of governors when it used nuclear weapons against Japan," he said

New York Rep. Steve Israel called for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has called for Israel “to be wiped off the map,” to be arrested and tried for "incitement to genocide.” Rep. Israel stated, "Incitement to genocide is a punishable act and instead of giving him another platform at the U.N., he should be tried.”

The lower house of Congress three years ago passed a resolution calling on the United Nations Security Council to charge Ahmadinejad.

The only head of state to address the General Assembly conference, he challenged anyone to provide evidence that Iran is developing nuclear arms. There is “not a single credible proof.” he declared. Before he spoke, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that the “onus” is on Iran to prove its nuclear program does not include the development of nuclear weapons.

Ahmadinejad did not spare Israel from his usual diatribe against the Jewish State. “The Zionist regime continues to threaten the countries of the Middle East with its arsenal. It continues to threaten the world's countries with acts of terror and invasion, and even gets the necessary assistance for its nuclear program," he charged.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is scheduled to address the conference later on Monday. Last week, she warned that if Ahmadinejad tries to "divert attention from this very important global effort or cause confusion that might possibly throw into doubt what Iran has been up to ... I don't believe he will have a particularly receptive audience.”  Ahmadinejad’s aides said they expected a walkout but that it makes no difference because “his message” will be heard.

Security in New York City was tight, particularly following Saturday night’s failed car bomb attack in Times Square.