The Yesha (Judea and Samaria) Council’s new website, as introduced at a public conference in Jerusalem on Sunday, teaches Land of Israel supporters how to take full advantage of the internet to promote Zionist nationalist ideals.
The Hebrew-language website,, was conceived by Karnei Shomron resident Elchanan Shwartz, and was implemented under the direction of Natali Bennett, director of the Yesha Council of Jewish Communities in Judea and Samaria. The site currently features, for example, several short films advocating Israeli positions - films that are not meant to be merely viewed, but rather to be disseminated around the internet in order to influence international public opinion.
Hundreds of people showed up at the Ramada Renaissance Hotel on Sunday evening to take part in the combination website-launching and internet-tutorial event. Bennett opened by speaking of the importance of the "new age of connectivity" and how each individual can have more influence now than ever before.
The goal of both the website and the people behind it is to have people learn how to use tools such as Facebook, Twitter, blog sites, talkbacks, Youtube, and the like in order to promote the ideals that drive the religious-nationalist camp in the Land of Israel.
"Using the internet wisely," one speaker said, "specifically Facebook, a single individual was able to get hundreds of thousands of people to perform the same act of solidarity for Gilad Shalit on the same day - namely, to wear white shirts. We must all learn how to do the same."
A prime example of how the MyIsrael site can work occurs when a user comes across what he/she feels is an important article, or conversely, something worthy of protesting. The use can multiply its impact many times over by sending the article/link/reference on to MyIsrael. The site will then, if it agrees with the user's judgement, make mention of it on its site, asking readers to pass it on as well.
Make it "Most Widely Read"
Surfers must be made aware, some speakers said, of the importance of getting certain articles on to their respective sites' "most widely read" sections - and they must also learn how they can have an influence on these sections, by disseminating these articles for maximum effect.
The MyIsrael website says about itself that it is an "internet work group for the dissemination of Zionism and love of the Land of Israel, which has set itself the goal of countering the disinformation presented by the media. It invites supporters of the nationalist camp to register to receive updates, to take part in the public discourse in Israel, to sound off and to have an influence."
Instant Revolution
Among the speakers, marketing expert Tzvika Avneri explained some of the basics of the internet, as well as the new developments of what is known as Web 2.0 - namely, the interactive and user-provided content sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. "We have the privilege of living in a period in which individuals have the ability to have tremendous influence; revolutions can be brought about nearly instantaneously," he said.
The evening was capped off by NRG reporter Roi Sharon, who spoke of great opportunities that must not be missed. "For one thing," he said, "you should take a camera wherever you go. If something needs to be photographed or filmed, you're there to do it..." - and the next step is to upload it to Youtube or the like, and then to inform the world of its presence via MyIsrael.
Other points emphasized at the conference:
** The general sense is that most of Israel is nationalist in their political leanings, while the media is generally leftist. Until now, the media had a monopoly and there was no way to detour it; but that has now changed. The public has a voice, and those who have energy, creativity and initiative can reach many population sectors.
** Another objective of the new site is to enable the ideas of many people to be raised and discussed, not only those of a select few.
** The Hebrew-language Wikipedia recently had a vote as to whether the negative word "settlements" should be used in its articles, or a more neutral word such as "communities." The word "settlers" was chosen, by only a small margin; had we been aware of our power, we could have used it wisely in such a case.
** The question is asked: "If I start a blog, how will people ever find out about it?" And the answer is: Do it through MyIsrael, which is a place where we pool our resources and come out ahead.