White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel’s son Zach will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Sunday at the Davidson Center near the Western Wall but without catering or music. Jerusalem officials accepted a complaint from nationalist activist Itamar Ben-Gvir, who pointed out that the law forbids food and music at the Center, adjacent to the Western Wall Jerusalem court judge has ordered Ben-Gvir and activist Baruch Marzel to remain at least 1,500 feet from Emanuel and his delegation. Zach Emanuel is celebrating on Sunday morning. Although Western Wall Bar Mitzvah ceremonies are traditionally held on Monday, Thursday or the Sabbath, the days when the Torah is read, Bar Mitzvah celebration parties can be held at any time. Emanuel’s diverged from traditional Jewish custom during his trip, although he often has been described in the media as “Orthodox.” He ate non-kosher food publicly in Eilat last week and brought his family to an “alternative orthodox” synagogue in the Germany Colony in Jerusalem Friday night. Foreign and local media have not noted that the Davidson Center where Zach Emanuel's Bar Mitzvah is being held is in an area that the United States does not recognize as being under Israeli sovereignty. The senior Emanuel is considered the man behind U.S. President Barack Obama’s “hard love” policy that has included labeling Jewish neighborhoods near the Western Wall as ”settlements.”