The Rabbinical Alliance of America, which represents 850 Orthodox Rabbis, harshly criticized U.S. President Barack Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan. Kagan, 50, is set to replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens, 90, the court's foremost liberal. Rabbi Yehuda Levin, speaking on behalf of the body of rabbis, issued a statement explaining their position, saying: "Ms. Kagan is Non-Kosher - not fit to serve on the supreme court or any other court. It is clear from Ms. Kagan's record on issues such as abortion-on-demand, Partial-Birth-Abortion, the radical homosexual and lesbian agenda, the "supremacy" of the anti-family panoply over religious liberties of Biblical adherents, et. al., that she will function as a flame-throwing radical, hastening society's already steep decline into Sodom and Gommorah." Levin told that his fellow rabbis and hundreds of thousands of Orthodox Jews--are confused at the Obama's choice of Kagan. “What exactly was Obama thinking, President Obama thinking, when he nominated Kagan? Because eventually, down the road, someone--or some group--is going to ‘take the hit’ for the crazy decisions that Kagan is bound to make. So we would have much preferred if President Obama had given this ‘distinction’ to another minority group, instead of singling out the Jews.” "We feel that Elena Kagan turns traditional Judaism on its head--from a concept of a nation of priests and holy people, she is turning it into, ‘Let’s homosexualize every segment of society. And by the way, partial-birth babies have no right to be delivered.’" Senator Jeff Sessions, the leading Republican on the Judiciary Committee said that Kagan can expect hard questions regarding her ability to be a Supreme Court justice. Sessions, who appeared on Sunday on CBS's "Face the Nation" said, "She has the least experience of any nominee at least in the last 50 years." Kagan served in the past year as Obama's U.S. solicitor general . There, she advocated for the U.S. government in cases before the court she now wants to join. In addition, Kagan would be the first new member of the Supreme Court in almost 40 years who has never been a judge.