Many tens of thousands spend Tisha B’Av, or parts of it, at the Western Wall – which, together with the Temple Mount, is the sole remnant of the Second Temple. Visitors, as do Jews the world over, spend hours mourning the destruction, the Exile of the Divine Presence and the unredeemed state of the Nation of Israel by reciting and studying the traditional Tisha B’Av lamentations and the Scroll of Eichah (Lamentations). The Temple Institute of Jerusalem calls for rebuilding the Temple now that Israel is an independent state as a proactive way of bringing the Redemption. In the following video, Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem vehemently calls on marking the fast of the 9th of Av as a day of prayer, yearning and looking ahead to the future. Rabbi Richman says that the Jewish people has become so associated with mourning, destruction and loss that people today feel that action is not necessary and that the next temple will fall from the sky. The prayer should be not "may G-d build our Temple speedily in our days" but rather "may we merit, by G-d's will, to build the Temple". The interview ends with a clear statement for action by the Rabbi: "Let's stop mourning on Tisha B'av," by which he means that we must not just mourn, we must turn the day into one of yearning for the Temple service that is translated into action. INN adds that despite the sadness of the day, the saddest part of the regular daily prayers - tachanun - is not recited, in the anticipation of the final joyous Redemption that will render Tisha B'Av a day of joy. Years ago, it was the custom of Jerusalem residents in the old quarters of the city to whitewash and clean their homes to prepare for the Messiah as the fast drew to a close, in the hope that the Redemption would occur before sundown. Today, at the yearly reading of Eichah at the Mount Scopus ampitheatre overlooking the Old City by the Neve Orot Congregation of Ramot, Jerusalem, a bottle of wine is brought to greet the Messiah who it is hoped will arrive during the reading. For Torah lectures on the significance of Tisha B"Av, click here. .