Lamentations at Adorayim
Lamentations at AdorayimAdorayim activists

Dozens of Jews gathered Tuesday morning at the abandoned IDF base of Adorayim near Hevron, to recite lamentations and read from the Scroll of Eicha. The event is part of an ongoing effort to save the base from falling into hostile hands.

The participants came from Jerusalem and other nearby communities including the Gush Etzion settlements, Kiryat-Arba, Hevron, Beit Haggai, Otniel and Negohot.

Rabbi Reuven Tal, Chairman of the Religious Council of Har Hevron, recited the lamentations in a quiet, pained voice, and the public joined in.

Rabbi Yehudah Glick, a leading activist for Jewish ascension to the Temple Mount, gave a lesson on the lack of wholeness in Jewish people's lives due to the absence of the Temple.

The rabbi said that the taste of fruit nowadays is not like the taste fruit had in the Temple, and that the sky is not as blue as it was in Temple times. The foundation of the world, he said, was laid at the location of the Temple, and we are all connected to this womb, and through it to G-d. Interestingly, Opposition Leader Tzipi Livni used similar terminology in her reference to the Temple Mount Monday.

Rabbi Glick said that those who teach that the Temple will come down from the sky in one piece teach “lies.”

"The Temple will not come down from the sky,” he said. “We must act to bring about its building.”

The Professors for a Strong Israel will visit Adorayim on July 30 and hear a lecture by Prof. Moshe Sharon of the Hebrew University.