Palestinian Children (illustrative)
Palestinian Children (illustrative)Flash 90

The IDF may order its forces in Judea and Samaria to hesitate before opening fire on terror suspects in the days before Rosh Hashanah. The reason: Id el-Fitr, the Muslim holiday that ends the month of Ramadan.

Military officials say that during these days, Palestinian children may shoot weapon-like toys and set off firecrackers as part of the holiday tradition. Each year, the Ramadan month generally is a period characterized by a raising of security alerts, particularly in Judea and Samaria.

To avoid harming innocent people, mostly children of PA Arabs a Judea and Samaria, officials revealed that security forces were currently taking extreme care with regard to the rules of engagement.

Multiple cases of Arab stone-throwing at Israeli vehicles were reported this week, injuring at least one Israeli citizen. The most serious attack came on Tuesday night, when four Molotov cocktails were thrown at Israeli vehicles near the separation barrier. No injuries were reported, but damage was caused to the vehicles.

The IDF also ordered soldiers not to eat, drink, or smoke in front of Muslim Arabs during the Ramadan period, in order not to incite them. During Ramadan, Arabs fast during the day and eat at night.