"Jihad Bells, Jihad Bells, Jihad all the way” is the chorus of a new Latma satire on the fate of Christians in Muslim countries and the Palestinian Authority.
The “Palestinian Minister of Uncontrollable Rage,” Tawil Fadiha, acts as Santa Claus before being unmasked and singing “a heartfelt message” to the Christian world, while holding a baby girl and overstuffed toy dog.
"Jihad Bells, Jihad Bells, Jihad all the way," sings Fadiha, impersonated by musician and actor Noam Jacobson. “Oh what fun with a knife or gun, a Christian guy to slay…. In Gaza, if you are a Christian, you’d better pray your last; now here in the Palestinian Authority, Bethlehem where you pray, it used to be a Christian town until we drove them all away.”