The Jewish population in Judea and Samaria has reached 327,712, according to statistics that have been painstakingly and independently collected by the office of MK Ya'akov Katz (Ketzaleh), Chairman of the National Union. This number is in addition to the approximate 300,000 Jews who live in the parts of Jerusalem that were under temporary Jordanian occupation for 19 years after the Arab nations' joint invasion in 1948 and are now Jewish.
Execution of the plans that call for driving out Jews from parts of Judea and Samaria would involve evicting at least 128,000 Jews - 16 times the number evicted in the 2005 Gaza "Disengagement Plan." This number is relevant under the assumption that the larger "settlement blocs" would remain under Israeli control under any agreement.
MK Katz plans to hand out copies of a document that details this information to all Knesset members.
The data shows that the "settler" population's annual natural growth rate is 5.8% - twice that in the rest of the country.
"Since the Six Day War in which parts of the western Land of Israel were liberated, there has been an 44-year titanic struggle between those who think the Nation of Israel's original Biblical lands should become part of the State of Israel, and those who oppose this connection," Ketzaleh said. Judea and Samaria are in the geographic area of Old Testament Israel, whereas Tel Aviv, in an coastal area controlled by the Philistines for much of that period, is not.
"There is pressure from the nations of the world and natural weaknesses of a state that has known many wars and that contains some people who wish to hand over large parts of their homeland to the enemies of Israel."
"The part of the Land of Israel that represents the basic aspiration of the Jewish people over the ages, and that of the future Jewish state, is winning on the ground. We have been victorious in this struggle by the very fact that - by the grace of G-d - we put more than 650,000 Jews in the territory, with a natural growth rate of almost 6%. This is an irreversible process, because a state is unable to decide to destroy and evict hundreds of thousands of Jews who have been living there for four generations, and for three-quarters of the time that the state of Israel has existed. This number is greater than the number of Jews who lived in Israel during the establishment of the state of Israel. This is the victory of the stalwart, those who are a natural continuation of the pioneers who first returned and clung to the soil of the Holy Land."