The Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem has been concentrating on fighting Holocaust denial in Persian of late, in response to Iranian President Ahmedinajad’s blatant put-downs of Holocaust history. Its latest effort, a Youtube channel explaining the Holocaust (Shoah) in the Persian-Farsi language, will be launched in Yad Vashem this coming Thursday, January 27, which is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The date was chosen because it marks the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp by Allied forces in 1945. Ahmedinajad has often stated that the number of victims in the Holocaust is much fewer than six million, and that the Shoah was “blown out of proportion” by the Zionist movement and Israel in order to excuse their “theft” of the Holy Land from the Arabs. Yad Vashem launched a website in Farsi several years ago, and enjoys wide popularity. Yad Vashem says it cannot know how many, if any, Iranian surfers have visited. The new channel, which joins similar Yad Vashem channels in Hebrew, English, Arabic and Spanish, will be launched in the presence of Prof. David Yerushalmi of the Iran Studies Center in Tel Aviv University; Prof. Yossi Matias, head of Google Israel’s R&D Center; Auschwitz survivor Yaakov Handley; and Yad Vashem Director Avner Shalev.