Arabs in Yafo yelled “Death to Settlers” and wounded a policeman in the head with a rock during a march by nationalists in the coastal city. Also known as Jaffa, the port city is adjacent to Tel Aviv. The policeman was hospitalized for moderate injuries, and more than a dozen leftsts were detained after staging a counter-protest. They also screamed, “We will redeem Palestine by blood," referring to all of Israel as Palestine. More than 1,000 police officers kept guard at the march, which mainstream media criticized as being a “provocation.” Leading the march was National Union Knesset Member Dr. Michael Ben-Ari. Voice of Israel government radio asked him why he staged a “provocative” rally but did not refer to the incitement by Arabs and the rock throwing incident. Accused by Voice of Israel government radio of causing incitement, MK Ben-Ari referred to the explicit death threats in shouts by Arabs, which the radio news broadcast did not mention. He also noted that Arabs raised Palestinian Authority flags during the march while more than 1,000 police officers and a hovering helicopter were needed to allow Jews to raise an Israeli flag. The Knesset Member reminded listeners that Arabs and leftists are allowed to stage marches in all of Israel but are not considered as provocateurs. The police also limited the number of the Jewish marchers and did not allow them to carry signs. Supporters yelled back at the Arabs, "Yafo, the Jewish people of Israel live!" Photos by Yoni Kempinski: