The IDF and Border Police are on special deployment near the Arab villages around Shechem, in order to forestall any Jewish attempts to demonstrate in the Arab villages or damage property in what are often referred to as "price tag" attacks. The deployment is described in a military document that has reached the hands of Samaria residents. About 100 soldiers are have been carrying out dozens of patrols and observation missions on about ten jeeps and on foot since Monday, when pneumatic guns were used to shoot at Jews in Havat Gilad, arousing the wrath of Samaria residents. Forces from Kfir Brigade and the Armored Corps' 82nd Battalion will continue the deployment until ordered otherwise. A military force will be stationed near the illegally built mosque at Burin , which the Supreme Court has ordered sealed. Soldiers at one of the observation posts told Jewish residents that they had been warned by their commanders not to pass through Jewish communities because "it is dangerous." Some of the supposed "price tag" operations by Jews are in fact frameups by Arabs and leftist collaborators.