Single Islamic Girl Seeking Harem, Good Looks, and Slick Bombing Techniques. Or so Al-Qaeda, now launching the glossy Al-Shamikha ['majestic woman'] Magazine, mixing tips for more fetching hijabs and bloodier streets, envisions the young Muslim women in the West. Given the sobriquet 'Jihad Cosmo,' the 31-page first issue features a front cover with the barrel of a sub-machine gun next to a veiled woman. Al-Samikha's first editorial defines its purpose as educating women and involving them in the war against the enemies of Islam. "Because women constitute half of the population," the editorial tells readers, "and one might even say that they are the population since they give birth to the next generation - the enemies of Islam are bent on preventing the Muslim woman from knowing the truth about her religion and her role, since they know all too well what would happen if women entered the field of jihad." "The nation of Islam needs women who know the truth about their religion and about the battle and its dimensions and know what is expected of them." The magazine contains exclusive interviews with terrorist "martyrs'" widows praising their husbands' decision to die murdering others, and marriage tips for young women seeking to marry 'mujaheddin' [holy warriors]. Prospective readers are told it is their moral duty to give their lives for jihad, and raise children ready to do the same. "From martyrdom, the believer will gain security, safety, and happiness," Al-Samikha tells readers without explaining how these benefits will be useful to readers no longer alive to purchase future issues of the magazine. The beauty column instructs women to cloister themselves indoors, with faces covered to keep a "clear complexion." And, not to go out "except when necessary," and then only in niqab to reap the "rewards of complying with the will of Allah Almighty." More traditional women-zine content features the merits of honey face masks, etiquette, first aid, and avoiding 'toweling too forcibly.' Al-Samikha is being distributed online by the Al-Qaeda media group behind Inspire , a similar magazine encouraging young Muslims in the West to commit terrorist atrocities. James Brandon of the anti-extremism think tank Quilliam told the Daily Mail : "Al-Qaeda sees how effective magazines are at pushing the ideals of western culture and wants to try the same thing." The next issue will contain tips on skin care - and how to wage electronic jihad.