Ban Ki-moon
Ban Ki-moonIsrael news photo: United Nations

A letter to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon from Yesha Leaders explains that the Bible, the Quran, and international agreements document Israel as being the Land of the Jewish People.

The signatories threatened to sue Ban if he continues “to ignore the historical and legal facts enclosed in this letter and continues with the present unjust and illegal policies of the United Nations.”

Citing the Bible as “recording for all time the awarding of the Land of Israel to the forefathers of the Jewish People by the Creator of the world,” the letter tell Ban it gives him the “opportunity to correct the deviation of the nations from international law in accordance with the responsibilities of your position and thus obviate the measures undoubtedly to be inflicted on those who act contrary to the Covenant of the Almighty with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”

It was signed by Shomron (Samaria) Regional Council chairman Gershon Mesika, Beit El mayor Moshe Rosenbaum, Ariel Mayor Ron Nachman and other leaders.

They also wrote Ban, “The entire Land of Israel was promised and granted to the Jewish People…as recorded time and again in the opening Five Books of the Hebrew Bible (e.g., Genesis 15:21; Deuteronomy 1:8 et al.), accepted by the adherents of the Christian faith whose Bible encompasses the aforementioned Books, and confirmed in various places in the holy book of Islam, the Quran (e.g., Sura 2 et al.).”

The document states, “The letter attached herewith also expresses the expectation of its signatories that you, as Secretary-General of the United Nations, lead your organization to reaffirm the already recognized and eternally valid rights of the Jewish People as the sovereign over all parts of the Land of Israel presently under the control of the State of Israel – especially those sections of the Land – Judea and Samaria, mistakenly known also as the ‘West Bank – liberated in June 1967 from the illegal occupation of the Kingdom of Jordan from 1948.”

Documents presented to Ban include the Balfour Declaration of 1917, that stated British policy of establishing a “National Home for the Jewish People” in Israel, then known as Palestine;

The San Remo Resolution of April 25, 1920, by which the Principal Allied Powers of World War I recognized the sovereignty of the Jewish People over Palestine, just as they recognized the sovereignty of the Arab peoples over the territories of present-day Syria, Lebanon and Iraq; and

The Anglo-French Boundary Convention of December 1920, demarcating the border between French-mandated Syria-Lebanon and British-mandated Palestine.

The letter states that “repeated references by the U.N. to the territories liberated by Israel in the 1967 Six Day War – territories until then illegally occupied by the Kingdom of Jordan – as “occupied Palestinian territory (oPt)” conceals from the public the true legal status of the lands to which you refer and causes the Jewish people unwarranted anguish.”

Detailing the proof that all of Israel belongs to Jews, the latter points out that the United Nations General Assembly ignored Article 80 that guarantees Jewish legal rights in Israel, and instead recommended the Partition Plan of 1947, which the Arab League rejected by going to war against the fledgling State of Israel.

The letter asserts that the Partition “was never legal, was never of an obligatory nature, has been dead for over 63 years and cannot be resurrected.”

The signatories added, “The very opposite is what is required of the U.N. at this time: to recognize the continuity of Jewish legal rights to the entire Land of Israel under Article 80 of the UN Charter.

“The time has undoubtedly come – in fact, it is long overdue, Mr. Secretary-General – for the international community as represented by the U.N. to recognize the fact that the Arabs of the Land of Israel do not want their own state, nor do they want to conclude a peace agreement with the State of Israel; all they desire is the destruction of Israel; the time has indeed come to reaffirm international recognition of the immutable rights of the Jewish People to all of their historical homeland.”