A new Jewish neighborhood currently under construction in the Samaria community of Kedumim is being built entirely based on the concept of Jewish labor, meaning that all the work from beginning to end is being done only by Jewish workers.
The neighborhood will be named Maoz Ido, after the late Ido (Idodi) Zoldan, who was murdered by terrorists who shot up his car in 2007 as he was driving home. INN TV recently visited the building site:
“Idodi was very much concerned with Jewish labor,” said his brother, Itamar Zoldan. “There’s a team of 30 Jewish workers here. There are 30 units being built here. As far as we’re concerned, it’s the best way to fulfill Idodi’s last will and testament.”
“It’s always exciting to see this group,” said Ido’s father Nachman Zoldan. “A group of 20 to 40-year-olds who have families, some of them even have large families, scholars, all engaged in Jewish labor.”
He added that “we don’t have to do anything to attract them to join us here. It’s the atmosphere. They themselves are attracted to this place like a bee is attracted to nectar. If we wanted to double the number of people we could so, because people want to come.”
Yochai Ofan of the Kdumim La’ad construction company which is responsible for the project, said that “a beard and a kippah are not a requirement [to work here], but there is definitely a feeling of building the land of Israel out of awareness of the Torah and the fact that we are fulfilling the vision of the prophets, something for which we waited 2,000 years.”