The Cabinet extended Sunday by six months the temporary provision that prevents Arabs from Judea and Samaria from becoming Israeli citizens through marriage with Arabs who are Israeli citizens. “Marrying into Israel” is considered to be one system used by hostile Palestinian Authority Arabs to change Israel’s demographics and to infiltrate the country for nefarious purposes. The key phrase in the Provision states that, "During the period in which this law shall remain in force, despite what is said in any legal provision, including article 7 of the Citizenship Law, the Minister of the Interior shall not grant the inhabitant of an area citizenship on the basis of the Citizenship law, and shall not give him a license to reside in Israel on the basis of the Entry into Israel Law, and the Area Commander shall not grant a said inhabitant, a permit to stay in Israel, on the basis of the security legislation in the area." The Shin Bet asked the government to extend the measure, and explained that a heightened effort to carry out terror attacks can be expected as September nears. The PA has vowed to declare statehood unilaterally in the course of that month. In the past, the Shin Bet said, “family unification” has been used to bring terrorists into Israel, where they carried out attacks. The government has been preparing legislation to regulate the problem, but until the legislation is ready, it has been extending the temporary measure . Bedouins, who practice polygamy, have reportedly used Israel's laxity regarding this type of infiltration to each marry several women from the PA.