A new video from Syria shows soldiers shooting a youth and leaving him to die. Meanwhile, the opposition says Assad’s new “reforms” are a scam. The film of the shooting was posted Monday by ShamSNN, and may show the death of a 12-year-old boy who is known to have been shot dead Saturday. However, the footage may also have been taken several weeks ago. The killing of the 12-year-old boy by Syrian forces on Saturday prompted U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland to state, "The behavior of Syria's security forces, including other such barbaric shootings, wide scale arrests of young men and boys, brutal torture, and other abuses of basic human rights, is reprehensible." U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, "The regime should make no mistake that the world is watching, and those responsible will be held accountable for their crimes.” Assad announced “reforms” on Monday, outlining a new law that ostensibly would allow the formation of opposition parties. However, the fine print prohibits parties formed on a “religious, tribal, regional, denominational, or profession-related basis or on the basis of discrimination due to ethnicity, gender or race.” Protests calling for Assad to quit continued early Monday morning, and demonstrators crowded at least five towns. The military continued to arrest dissenters, taking into custody at least 15 people in a Damascus suburb. Human rights activists have complained that Syrian secret police and soldiers have arrested another 2,000 protesters, including those who treat wounded protesters and leak information to the media. U.S. State Department spokeswoman Nuland told reporters that “one of the main focuses of our embassy in Damascus is to try to get to know as many of these folks [in the opposition] as we can and to have open doors to them as they want to talk about their desire to see prosperous democratic reformed Syria.”