Religious nationalists Baruch Marzel and Itamar Ben Gvir, accompanied by several younger activists, paraded donkeys down a Jerusalem street Thursday in protest of the "gay pride" parade that was held at the same time. "Muslims, Christians, Jews, all of them are hurt by the fact that the Holy City of Jerusalem is defiled by abominations like today's march in Jerusalem," said Marzel. "These donkeys do not commit acts that are as bad as what the marchers are doing," Marzel added. "The question is why are they allowed to carry out this provocation," explained Ben Gvir. He noted that whenever nationalists request the courts' permission to march through Arab towns like Umm El Fahm, they are made to jump through hoops because the act is considered "a provocation." The same logic should apply to the insistence on holding an annual parade of homosexuals through the Holy City, he said. The activists held signs that said "go back to the closet you came out of," among other slogans.