Shoshana Greenbaum was one of 15 people killed in the Sbarro suicide bombing 10 years ago today, August 9. The official death toll did not include her embryo, who was to be the Greenbaums’ first child. Her husband’s response is a new book on kindness. The anniversary of the August 9th gruesome terrorist attack this year falls on Tisha B’Av. Ten years ago, when the restaurant was packed with tourists, vacationing youngsters and local customers on a summer's day, the suicide bomber blew up the restaurant, wounding more 130 people in addition to the 15 victims who died. Shoshana’s husband Shmuel Greenbaum decided to take on a mission to teach the world kindness, despite his personal tragedy. He met with a group of friends to discuss how to improve the world, and that was beginning of a daily newsletter called "A Daily Dose of Kindness", which ballooned from 150 participants to more than 2 million. A "Partner in Kindness” group also was formed. The stories on kindness were so dramatic that Greenbaum published 100 of them in a book, a diverse compilation of stories and practical lessons. The author now is working with an international team of thousands of lay leaders of major faiths along with the United Kingdom’s Chief Rabbi, Lord Jonathon Sacks, to share stories of kindness from around the world. “This lovely book will restore your faith in human nature and remind us all – for we need reminding – that it is by our acts of [kindness] that we bring the Divine presence into the world,” says Rabbi Sacks. As part of the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the terrorist bombing that killed Shoshana Greenbaum, Partners in Kindness is donating thousands of copies of "A Daily Dose of Kindness" to public libraries.