The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) adopted a resolution on Friday calling on all countries in the Middle East to join a regional anti-nuclear arms treaty, Reuters reports. Arab league states had said in previous months they would make an issue out of Israel's alleged nuclear arsenal in this year’s IAEA session, and the resolution was widely seen as targeting Israel. But Israel is not a signatory Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and the Egyptian-proposed resolution does not obligate Jerusalem to sign the NPT or any other treaty. Israel and the United States abstained during the vote, while most member nations voted for the resolution. Iran's nuclear program has also been a focal point at this year’s IAEA conference, with acrimony over its obstruction of international inspectors being forefront on the nuclear watchdog’s agenda. Western diplomats say they have concrete intelligence Tehran is secretly pursuing nuclear weapons, and the IAEA has expressed “deep concern” and rejected Iranian overtures as insufficient.