Among the terrorists who are to be released as part of the deal to free Gilad Shalit are 27 female terrorists. One of them is Ahlam Tamimi, the first woman to join Hamas and the person who drove the suicide bomber who carried out the attack at the Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem in August of 2001. 16 people were killed in that attack, including five members of the Schijveschuurder family from the community of Neria in Binyamin. Tamimi has previously declared, “Despite the fact that I’m sentenced to 16 life sentences I know that we will become free from Israeli occupation and then I will also be free from prison.” Also included in the deal to release Shalit is Amna Muna, who in January of 2001 lured 16-year-old Ophir Rachum to Ramallah, where he was shot to death by terrorists. Rachum met Muna, then 24 years old, on the internet. After gaining his confidence, Muna persuaded Rachum to come to Jerusalem to meet her. When Rachum arrived at the Jerusalem Central Bus Station, Muna drove him to the outskirts of Ramallah, where they were greeted by her two partners, both terrorists belonging to the Fatah organization. The two tried to get Rachum out of the car and when he refused, one of them shot him to death. After the murder, Palestinian Authority Arabs took Rachum’s body to Ramallah, where they buried it. In total, Israel will release 280 terrorists with blood on their hands in exchange for Shalit. These do not include arch-terrorists such as Marwan Barghouti; Abdullah Barghouti, serving 67 life sentences; Hassan Salameh, serving 38 life sentences; and Jamal Abu Al-Hijja, serving nine life sentences, all of whom are imprisoned for planning suicide bombings. Also reportedly not included in the deal is the killer of Israeli minister Rechavam Ze'evi, Ahmed Saadat. On Tuesday night, the Israeli cabinet voted to approve the deal . 26 ministers supported the deal with only three – Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Infrastructures Minister Uzi Landau, and Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Ya’alon – voting against the deal.