Rabbi Eli Sadan, head of the Bnei David military academy in Eli, last week criticized former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. He made the comments in a special conversation with his students that took place on the 16 th anniversary of Rabin’s assassination by Yigal Amir, on November 4, 1995. Israeli newspaper Makor Rishon obtained the comments and will publish them in this Friday’s issue. Rabbi Sadan admitted that Rabin had virtues, pointing out that he was “a man who risked his life for the establishment of the State of Israel and was home with wife and children less than most people in Israel, because he was engaged in the public affairs of the people of Israel. No one can take away his rights and I’m sure he is getting all the due respect in heaven for the good deeds he did.” He stressed, however, that “Rabin as a leader and a politician is the prototype of the arrogant Mapainik [the colloquial term for a member or supporter of Mapai, the historical socialist Israeli Labor Party, considered semi-dictatorial –ed.] who thinks he owns the country and makes all the mistakes possible, yet all historians praise him. He commanded the unit that opened fire on the Altalena and that in itself is horrifying.” Rabbi Sadan also criticized Rabin for failing to stop the Oslo Accords, despite having had strong doubts about them. The Accords were orchestrated by Shimon Peres and Yossi Beilin , whom Rabin had once called by the derogatory nickname “Peres’ poodle” in the early 1990s. “The most shameful thing [about Rabin] is that the Oslo Accords were made behind his back, which showed how weak a leader he was,” Rabbi Sadan said. “As soon as he learned about the process, he went along with it instead of dismissing Shimon Peres who undermined him, all because he thought it would be worthwhile for him." "These agreements resulted in hundreds of dead Jews, thousands injured, bereaved families and permanent damage... all the problems that Israel is facing, internationally and militarily, against Hamas and Hizbullah - all of it began with the Oslo Accords which were the most terrible crime ever committed by an Israeli government against the people.” The rabbi referred to the growing suspicion in Israeli society that convicted assassin Yigal Amir was did not act alone and that perhaps another person was involved in Rabin's murder. Rabbi Sadan said that Amir’s actions were a contemptible crime even if there were other players involved but added that if, in fact, there were additional shooters or conspirators, that matter should be investigated fully. “Right now the State of Israel is afraid to touch these issues for reasons I do not understand,” he said.