Magen David Adom volunteers in Judea and Samaria are continuing to protest against the first aid organization’s decision to remove its trademark red Star of David from ambulances in the region. After recently having re-painted the red stars on the ambulances in Judea and Samaria, the Shomron Residents’ Committee has been providing volunteers with flags with a picture of a red Star of David to place on the ambulances. The flags also read “Magen David Adom in Israel.” A “Memorandum of Understanding between Magen David Adom in Israel and Palestine Red Crescent Society,” recently obtained by Arutz Sheva , includes having Israel called an “occupier” and agrees that “internationally recognized borders” are the line of demarcation for Red Crescent chapters rather than those of Red Magen David. The memorandum reveals that Magen David Adom promised the International Red Cross that it would not operate in Judea and Samaria. This is because the memorandum states that “internationally recognized borders” are the line of demarcation for Red Crescent chapters rather than those of Magen David Adom. The agreement also replaces the red Star of David with a red crystal. The decision was met with anger by residents of Judea and Samaria, and many of them who volunteer for the first aid organization said they would stop volunteering until the Stars of David are brought back. The Shomron Residents’ Council also organized a blood drive several weeks ago which sent donations directly to the blood bank of Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikva, rather than having a Magen David Adom ambulance going to the communities where the drive is taking place. A statement from the council said, “Even if it means more work, we will not give our blood to those who boycott us.” On Monday, MK Aryeh Eldad (National Union) called on individuals who donate to Magen David Adom to stop doing so . “Magen David Adom has decided to stop purchases of ambulances in Judea and Samaria, took down the organization’s symbols from ambulances operating in this area and decided that Magen David Adom employees working in Judea and Samaria will not wear the organization’s uniform,” Eldad wrote on his Facebook page. “All these actions were taken as surrender to the demands of the Palestine Red Crescent Society and as a condition to Magen David Adom joining the International Red Cross.” “I call on all donors to MDA to immediately cease their contributions to the organization, inform the MDA of this, and direct their donations directly to the blood banks of different hospitals, to rescue organizations and to various primary health care organizations which continue to operate with pride in Judea and Samaria, or directly to local councils and municipalities that operate ambulances and no longer receive assistance from MDA.”