President Shimon Peres
President Shimon PeresIsrael news photo: Flash 90

President Shimon Peres reached out to the Iranian people Wednesday evening, saying “there is no need for us to live as enemies.”

In a special address to the Knesset marking its 63rd anniversary, Peres spoke about the peace process with the Palestinian Authority, but also talked about the Iranian nuclear threat.

In direct remarks to the Iranian people, the Israeli president said, “We were not born enemies, and there is no need for us to live as enemies. Do not allow the flags of hostility to cast a dark shadow on your heritage. You are a sensitive people that aspire to friendship and peace, not conflict and wars.”

He told lawmakers that Iran is not only a threat to Israel, but is a “real danger to humanity as a whole. The present Iranian regime is imperialistic, and aspires to be the region's supreme ruler.

“The world should learn the lesson drawn from the Nazi atrocities,” Peres said. Luckily, today there is a serious and strong Jewish State. It will not forget past crimes in order to ensure that they do not repeat themselves.”