MK Orlev
MK OrlevIsrael news photo: Flash 90

MK Zevulun Orlev of the Jewish Home repeated his position Sunday that the three-man faction would leave the coalition if the community of Migron is torn down.

"The residents of Migron have the right to celebrate the holiday of freedom," he noted, "with the clear knowledge that the government of Israel and the Knesset will not let them become refugees in their own county."

Settling Jews in the Land of Israel is not a legal matter but a national one, he added, and as such it needs to be decided in the Knesset and government.

He called for the ratification of the Outposts Law. This law, he added "will provide a just and humane solution for all sides. The Jewish Home New NRP will leave [the coalition] if a decision to raze Migron is made, he said, "because there is no justification for it."

"This is a diplomatic matter and not one for the High Court," he explained.