Israeli lawmakers are calling on the government to help rescue from execution the Palestinian Authority Arab real estate broker who arranged the sale of a building to Jews in Hevron. Danny Dayan, chairman of the Council of Communities in Judea and Samaria, has called on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak to act quickly to save the life of Muhammad Abu Shahala. The broker, who acquired the building on behalf of its Jewish owners, has been sentenced to death by the PA for the “crime” of helping Jews purchase property. “Abu Shahala will be executed in Ramallah, barely 15 minutes' drive from the government's headquarters in Jerusalem,” Dayan said. “He is being executed for the 'crime' of helping Jews buy a home in Hevron. “Israel cannot allow this travesty to take place.” Ramallah, the PA government seat of power, also is the location of the headquarters of Fatah leader and PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas. The building, situated near the Machpelah Cave of the Patriarchs, was named Machpelah House by its new owners and transformed into an apartment house after its purchase. Barak ordered residents evicted almost immediately after they moved in, claiming the move to their new home prior to Passover to be a “provocation.”