The defense establishment has decided to demolish the homes of the two terrorists who murdered five members of the Fogel family in Itamar. The decision by Defense Minister Ehud Barak and IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz, subject to approval by legal authorities, was broadcast Sunday morning on Army Radio . The report claimed the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) had recommended demolishing the homes of Hakim and Ajmad Awad, both of whom had announced their pride in their crime. Two parents, two young boys and a baby were brutally slaughtered as they slept in their home on a Friday night. Their 12-year-old daughter and sister came home to find the carnage after attending a Sabbath evening activity with her youth group. Only two of her little brothers miraculously survived, having escaped the notice of the terrorists during their murderous rampage. "This was one of the most brutal terrorist attacks ever , and the Shabak thinks the demolition is a punitive step that may deter other terrorists from carrying out such horrendous crimes,” the report quoted former Shin Bet chief Yaakov Perry as saying. Several years ago, the Shin Bet, known by the Hebrew acronym “Shabak” ended its long-standing policy of advocating the demolition of terrorists' homes. The reason for the change was based on the theory that doing so did not discourage terrorism and instead resulted further legal complications. Although the agency has not changed its opinion, officials said that in the case of the Fogel murders, the specific viciousness of the murders warranted demolition of the homes because several relatives of the terrorists acted as accessories to murders. The relatives, who live in the nearby village of Awarta close to Itamar, helped to hide their weapons and destroy the evidence.