With Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Reunification Day) approaching, singer/songwriter Dovid (David Green) has released a clip of his new song, “Jerusalem – Eye of the Universe”. The song is a powerful look at Jerusalem from Green’s eyes and is featured in his new album, “Journey to the Real You.” Green immigrated to Israel with his family from Toronto ten years ago. Green told Arutz Sheva that the song is “all about the centrality of Jerusalem in the world, in history, in spirituality and in my own heart and soul. “The chorus is about the unexplainable love that I personally feel for the city,” he said. “As the song says, ‘I can't explain, but I never felt this way.’” Green said that he was motivated to write the song following a visit to the holy city. “I went to Jerusalem with my music producer one night during Hol Hamoed Sukkot,” he recalled. “We danced at Simchat Beit HaSho'eva [water drawing ceremony –ed.], walked to the kotel and climbed onto rooftops with amazing views of the city overflowing with life. We were both overwhelmed by the beauty and magic in the air regardless of our very different religious beliefs.” Green added, “I feel like my soul is married to the city. It's our home where our past, present and future are embedded into every view and archway. I think I sum it up in the song when I say ‘I touch the wall of stone like it's a part of my bones and with a gentle kiss I know, I finally found my way home.’” The clip includes a visit to the grave of Green’s father, the late Herb Green , who was a long time supporter of Zionist enterprises, including Arutz Sheva . In fact, Green dedicates the song to his father of blessed memory. “My father was always very connected to Jerusalem during his life,” he explained. “Now as his soul rests in heaven, his body is literally a part of the holy earth of our city. In the song I sing, ‘I can't believe I'm witnessing centuries in the history of my soul.’ His grave is the recent history and it is connected to the amazing chain of the history of our people over thousands of years.”