Preparations are underway to host more than 10,000 people in Israel alone for the worldwide Siyum HaShas; the completion of the cycle of study of Torah learning in the tractates of the Talmud, the entire set of which is known as the "Shas." In just one month, tens of thousands of the finest male scholars among the People of Israel will join together to mark the once-in-seven-years conclusion of the cycle of study. Across the Jewish world, preparations are underway as they are in Israel. The main event in Israel, hosted by the Dirshu organization, is called the “Kinus Olam HaTorah” and will be held Monday, July 30, at the Yad Eliyahu stadium in Tel Aviv. Live broadcasts will be streamed in real time to locations throughout the country, with special sites arranged to accommodate wives and mothers of those who are participating in the yeshiva study programs. Corresponding women's gatherings will likewise feature programs highlighting prominent rabbanits and female scholars. In addition, the Dirshu organization is orchestrating major study events around the country throughout the week of the siyum. Special invitations were mailed to each individual who adhered to the rigorous study schedule. In addition to the 250 buses chartered from Egged and other Israeli companies for the event, dozens of minibuses and private car services were also reserved to transport the thousands of guests to the stadium, free of charge.