Two terrorists were reportedly killed Sunday in an air strike on Gaza by the Israel Air Force, according to local Palestinian Authority sources.
One dead operative was a member of the Popular Resistance Committees terror organization. No further information was available.
A senior Hamas terror official said over the weekend that the connection between Gaza and Egypt has grown stronger since the election of Muslim Brotherhood-backed Mohamed Morsi.
Hamas spokesman Razi Hamad added that the regime of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak had a 'negative' attitude towards the terrorist organization.
Hamad claimed the Mubarak government chose to remain on the sidelines when Israel attacked Gaza terrorists. The Hamas spokesman implied the new Egyptian regime might not remain quiet in the wake of such incidents in future.
Last month, Egypt eased visa requirements for Gazans under the age of 40 who wish to travel to Egypt through the Rafiah border crossing into the Sinai Peninsula. Israel's National Security Council Counter-Terrorism Bureau last Thursday issued a warning to tourists against traveling to the Sinai Peninsula.
The alert was prompted by the release of Al Qaeda-linked Salafi operative Hisham Sa'idmi from a prison in Gaza who returned to Sinai, according to Channel 2 News.
"Terrorist organizations in Gaza and other elements are actively planning to perpetrate attacks, especially abductions, against Israeli tourists in Sinai in the very near future,” the warning stated.