MK Danny Danon (Likud) asked the Central Elections Committee to disqualify MK Hanin Zouabi (Balad) from running for the next Knesset.
"Zouabi used her [parliamentary] immunity in order to support a terror action that attempted to kill IDF soldiers," Danon charged, in a reference to the 2010 Mavi Marmara incident, in which Zouabi took part. "A person like that has no place in the Knesset. She belongs in jail."
Danon said Zouabi is following in the footsteps of Balad party founder Dr. Azmi Bishara, who fled Israel when the Shin Bet confronted him with evidence that he had assisted Hizbullah during the Second Lebanon War.
Danon enumerated the actions by Zouabi that he believes merit her disqualification. Besides her presence on board the Mavi Marmara in June 2010, he said, she called for "a violent struggle like the Intifada" in April 2011. Speaking on Channel 2 in February 2012, she called for terror against Jewish citizens of Israel, he added.
"This is a terrorist disguised as a Knesset Member," he wrote.