The Moledet Party has joined Tkuma’s efforts to run together with the Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home) party in order to form a significant, influential force to the right of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. American born Uri Bank, who represents the Moledet Party on the current Ichud Leumi (National Union) list for Knesset, announced today that he is officially joining the efforts to have the National Union and the Bayit Yehudi run together on a joint list for the next Knesset : “ I have been involved in the efforts to have the ideological right-wing parties run together for Knesset on consolidated lists for over a decade – ever since I had the privilege of helping Rehavam Ze’evi, Hanan Porat and Benny Begin set up the initial National Union, ahead of the 1999 elections . Since then, I have used all the influence given me by the positions I held in the National Union, and especially my position as Chair of the Moledet Party’s Executive Board for many years -- to ensure that as many factors in the ideological National Camp consolidate into joint runs for Knesset. Only such unity can garner real political power that will enable us to truly influence what goes on in our country .” Moledet took its first practical step today in joining the efforts to unify the National Union with the Bayit Yehudi by notifying the Knesset Election Central Voting Committee and the Registrar of Political Parties that it agrees that the Tkuma Party changes its name to: “HaIchud HaLeumi-Tkuma” and that in the joint race for Knesset with Bayit Yehudi they will be allowed to use the Hebrew letter “Tet” on the joint ballot of “Tet-Bet”, just as they did when these two parties ran together previously in 2006.