Minister of Water and Infrastructure, Uzi Landau (Yisrael Beytenu), said Sunday that the IDF needs to prepare a ground assault into Gaza, and to begin targeting the heads of Hamas. "We must not just go after those firing at Israel, but the true sources of the fire," Landau said, and explained that he was referring to Hamas's leaders, who control Gaza. Landau said that he is reminded now of the interview by Mahmoud Abbas ("Abu Mazen") last week that had leftist proponents of the Oslo Accords gloating. "The 'Osloids' who called him a partner received their answer in the form of missile fire from Gaza," he asserted. "It is important to remember," he added, "that if our security forces were not operating in Judea and Samaria, the 'partner' would not have survived for one minute there. Can Abu Mazen even stop the fire there?" "Unfortunately, the situation is such that besides hitting the heads of Hamas, we must prepare to operate in Gaza and launch a large scale operation in order to bring back quiet and security. The planning of the operation should begin today and it should be executed at the most appropriate time, when the fire begins again."