In what has described as “an affront to religious Jews and religious Christians everywhere,” ABC News has chosen journalist Christiane Amanpour to host a two-part primetime special about the history of the land of Israel. says Amanpour is vehemently anti-Israel and anti-Christian. Titled “Back to the Beginning”, ABC News invites viewers to embark on “the ultimate road trip” as Amanpour “travels to the lands of the Bible to explore the powerful stories from Genesis to the Birth of Jesus.” According to ABC , the mini-series, which airs December 21 and 28, will use “the Old Testament as a guidebook” and will “investigate the roots of those stories that have created so much conflict.” While the veteran news correspondent has said that she was reminded of a “totalitarian regime” while visiting a conservative Christian ministry, she was exceedingly unsympathetic to Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria in a previous feature,"God's Jewish Warriors." Writing about that feature, Andrea Levin of the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) explained that “it's Israeli settlements, in the Amanpour script, that are the great enemy of mankind and all those with any link to them, however indirect, whether Christian or Jewish, secular or religious, are part of a putatively evil nexus." “This dark alliance is said to include Jewish fundraisers stumping the U.S. for money ('defiance of international law comes dressed in diamonds') and Jewish organizations with an alleged stranglehold on Congress,” Levin reports. “Throughout, Amanpour hammers the claim that Jewish settlements violate international law and she seeks to paint this position as a universally accepted view with a lopsided parade of like-minded commentators,” she states. While there are many legal scholars who reaffirm the legility of Jewish communities over the green line, “not one scholar of this viewpoint is given voice in a two-hour feature largely devoted to decrying settlements and their residents.” Amanpour also utilizes images and editing techniques in “grossly misrepresenting American presidential views of settlement legalities.” “… Numerous other falsehoods and distortions mar the production”, continues Levin. “To have a woman who has trashed both the Jews of Israel and the Christians of the West – while simultaneously covering for Islamic terrorists – give her perspective on the Holy Land is insulting and offensive,” asserted in exposing the partiality and discrimination of the mini series. According to Breitbart , “If Amnanpour were honest, which she is not, she would note that in the Bible the Land of Israel is clearly given to the Jews, and thus settlements in the land have Biblical roots. But she is a leftist who hates religious Jews and Christian through and through.” “ABC News should be condemned for choosing her to host this series,” asserts the news site.