Israeli security forces continue to foil Arab road terror attempts, including an attempted axe-murderer and a briefcase bomb under a bridge. An Arab terrorist was shot dead near the Samaria (Shomron) Jewish community of Shavei Shomron on Monday morning after he attacked a group of Shin Bet (Shabak) agents. The attack began with ramming the military jeep in which the agents were traveling. The terrorist then got out of his own vehicle and charged the injured agents with the axe. He succeeded in wounding two of the agents before one of their comrades shot and killed him. Four of the agents had already been wounded as a result of the collision. The dead terrorist was a resident of the Palestinian Authority Arab city of Tulkarm, located near the Samaria Arab village of Deir Sharaf, between the Jewish communities of Einav and Shavei Shomron. About four hours later, a briefcase loaded with explosives was discovered under a bridge on the Trans-Israel Highway, also known as “Kvish 6” or Highway 6. The bomb was planted under a bridge near the Israeli Arab town of Baka al-Gharbiya, east of Netanya – about an hour's drive from the location of the previous attack. Police called the bomb squad to the scene, where sappers neutralized the explosives, allowing the flow of traffic to return to normal. Later in the day, Palestinian Authority Arabs attempted to attack motorists passing the security fence near the Arab city of Kalkilya, also located in Samaria. The attackers hurled four firebombs (“Molotov cocktails”) towards the fence, witnesses said. No one was physically injured and no property damage was reported. IDF soldiers fanned out to search for the attackers.