Rabbi Shai Piron, number two on Yesh Atid's Knesset list and a resident of the Judea and Samaria town of Oranit, clarified his policy stance in regards to a possible two state solution and land swaps in Judea and Samaria an interview on the Knesset Channel , taking time to also attack Bayit Yehudi's Naftali Bennett for what he called a "delusional" plan. During the interview, Rabbi Piron said that a two state solution would be best for both sides, claiming, "There is a solution that speaks about two states for two peoples -- that is the future of the State of Israel, two states for two people which includes the settlement blocs and Jerusalem." However, in response to a question posed to him, Rabbi Piron added that he wasn't opposed to land swaps, even if it meant expelling Jews from their homes. "If true peace would require moving the isolated settlements I would vote to do it," said Piron, while at the same time adding that at this stage the chances for real peace in the foreseeable future were not high. Rabbi Piron also used the media exposure to attack the policy positions of Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home) and the annexation planned outlined by its chairman Naftali Bennett. Rabbi Piron called the plan a "delusional agenda which denies international assumptions regarding a two-state solution and which leads us to danger." Bennett's plan includes the annexation of Area C, which is under complete Israeli control as per the Oslo Accords document. Area C contains all the Jewish population living in Judea and Samaria and has only 4% of the total Palestinian-Arab population of Judea and Samaria. Area A is under PA control and area B is under partial PA control with the IDF in charge of security. Bennett has made the idea of annexing Area C part of the Jewish Home party platform, pointing out that there are more than 300,000 Jews living there and only 55,000 Arabs. As part of his plan he would extend Israeli citizenship to the 55,000 Arabs living in Area C. Rabbi Piron added that in his opinion the best solution would be a land swap, similar to the proposal Yisrael Beytenu chairman Avigdor Lieberman has touted in the past.