A new poll has shown that 38 percent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of Chuck Hagel as President Barack Obama's nominee for secretary of defense. The poll, conducted by Rasmussen Reports during the month of February, showed that, in contrast, only 28 percent of Americans held a favorable view of Hagel, while over one-third of Americans, 35 percent, believed that they lack sufficient knowledge to render an opinion. "This poll, even allowing for the fact that one-third of respondents admit that they have insufficient knowledge on which to form an opinion, shows clearly enough that a large proportion of Americans are concerned about Chuck Hagel's qualifications, competence and policy positions,” said National President of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) Morton Klein. "This is not only because of his disastrous views against sanctions and possible military action against Iran; his call for negotiations with terror groups Hamas and Hizballah, his views that the U.S. is the world's bully; his statement that Israel has committed war crimes and a 'sickening slaughter' against Arabs, is 'risking becoming an apartheid state', that Israel has control over the State Department, and the 'Jewish Lobby' causes Congress to do stupid things, but also because his performance at his confirmation hearings clearly showed someone who was incoherent, contradictory and mistaken on major issues of policy,” said Klein. "Additionally, Hagel has refused reasonable requests to disclose his sources of funding, raising questions as to what he is hiding and sowing doubt as to his judgment and suitability for his proposed role. "No wonder that groups such as the ZOA, JINSA, the National Council of Young Israel, the Republican Jewish Committee, Christians United for Israel and NORPAC strongly oppose his nomination and no wonder that, only today, 14 U.S. senators have urged President Obama to withdraw this nomination "We strongly urge other organizations to not only express concern about Hagel, but to explicitly oppose his confirmation," added Klein. Recently, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the American Jewish Committee, (AJC), both of which are known to be liberal-leaning organization, added their names to the long list of organizations and individuals who have expressed opposition to the Hagel nomination and have called on the former senator from Nebraska to clarify his numerous, troublesome anti-Israel remarks. On Wednesday Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stirred debate after he claimed that Hagel “almost had tears in his eyes” as he explained to the former Nebraska senator that the expression “Jewish lobby” is rooted in a negative depiction of Jews.