Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has begun to realize that his chances of prying apart Yesh Atid head Yair Lapid and Bayit Yehudi head Naftali Bennett are close to nil, according to a report in the News1 website. According to the report, besides the formal negotiations between the parties, there have been informal contacts as well, carried out by a person who is trusted by both Likud and Bayit Yehudi. This mediator met with people close to the prime minister as well as senior figures in Likud, Bayit Yehudi and, Yesh Atid. He also met rabbis from the Tekuma movement, which forms part of Bayit Yehudi, and tried to find a formula that would allow Bayit Yehudi to join the coalition independently of Yesh Atid. However, the mediator reportedly reached the conclusion that Lapid and Bennett are going all the way with the matter and cannot be pried apart. The mediator informed the Prime Minister's Bureau of his conclusion, and Netanyahu has reportedly already begun facing the fact that he will have to allow Bennett and Lapid into his coalition together – without hareidim.